This time it’s another tennis court. It’s hard to explain. You see a favorite place that you had lots of good hours. Hundreds and hundreds of them. And then “poof ” and its gone. I suppose if I was a reader I’d be sad to see my bookstore or library gone. If I was a boozer and my bar was bulldozed I’d be sitting in the curb crying. . Or a pilot I would still be irate for the runway that got bulldozed in the middle of the night. ( Chicago ) I know I don’t handle change well. But my old favorite tennis court was turned into a pile of dirt and rubble. (Look at the photo)
The big heap is what’s left of the court. The rest was probably dumped into the now non existent huge swimming pool. ( nice place to jump into on a hot day after tennis , or on really hot days teaching I’d jump in and play “cool” a few hours ) . I guess it’s called progress ?
Sometimes I wish my tennis career was like my husbands flying career. As a pilot he kept a short record of every single flight. Every time he was in a plane. The weather. The conditions. The cast of characters . The itinerary. The total air time. Among other details. The log books are the tellers of history. Logbook after logbook. So I think , imagine if I kept track on my beloved courts. The surfaces I’ve played on the people I’ve played with. The places I’ve gone. The bad calls I got.
I thought about a tennis diary (log book ). I thought about it when I was 12 and again at 18 and over and over. After 50 years in tennis all I have are some vague memories and snapshots. But for sure tennis is the best sport ever. The best for so many reasons.
Even when I think about all the players that came and hit on the now torn up court. Some are playing in the big grass court in the sky. Yet, some of the kids are now mayors and sports agents and lawyers and doctors and still playing tennis. Play tennis it’s the sport of a lifetime for a lifetime. Have racket will travel.
Bottom line: Help save our courts! Our sport!
Lesson learned : start a log book.
Topics: save tennis courts, Sports, Tennis, Tennis News
Another Old Friend Bites The Dust –