Archive: ranked-player

Radwanska Suffering From Stress Fracture to Her Foot thumbnail

Radwanska Suffering From Stress Fracture to Her Foot

Agnieszka Radwanska, the world 11th ranked player from Poland, has hit her last competitive ball of 2010 after suffering a stress fracture to her foot.
Marino Stops Bartoli In Her Tracks At The Bell Challenge thumbnail

Marino Stops Bartoli In Her Tracks At The Bell Challenge

MARINO STOPS BARTOLI IN HER TRACKS AT BELL CHALLENGE Vancouver native earns first Top 20 win over top-seeded Frenchwoman
Kuzy Learns The Value of Sunshine thumbnail

Kuzy Learns The Value of Sunshine

FLUSHING MEADOWS, NY – Her nickname is “Sunshine” because of her positive disposition and she is one of the more