Fargo Style Legal Blog

Written by: on 12th January 2024
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Ya Sure, Ya Betcha: Legal Shenanigans and Such

Oh jeez, here we go again with the legal jibber-jabber. You betcha, we’ve got all the latest on FinCEN reporting requirements and how to stay compliant with ‘em. Don’tcha know, it’s important to keep your ducks in a row when it comes to financial regulations.

But fer sure, we’ve also rustled up some info on agreements between producers and directors in the showbiz biz. It’s a real hootenanny getting all them terms sorted out, don’tcha think?

And hey, did ya know about the COVID-19 wedding photography contracts? It’s a whole new ballgame out there for them lovebirds tryin’ to tie the knot during a pandemic. Golly gee, talk about a sticky wicket!

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any wilder, we’ve got the lowdown on co-marketing agreement examples too. It’s a regular ol’ rodeo trying to wrangle up them partnerships, but we’ll show ya how to corral ‘em proper.

Event Date
Elder Law Day December 8, 2023
Global Legal Hackathon TBD

And don’tcha know, we’ve even got the inside scoop on ordinary and necessary business expenses. Turns out there’s more to it than ya might think!

So there ya have it, folks. We’ve covered everything from A to Z, from NC State GPA requirements for transfer students to the ins and outs of e-contractors. Keep on truckin’ in the legal world, and don’t forget to stay warm out there!