A Dialog between Two Famous People of the 21st Century

Written by: on 12th January 2024
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The Law and Order of the 21st Century

Kim Kardashian:

Hey Elon, have you ever wondered how we can get a law passed to ban all non-organic food products in the market?

Elon Musk:

That’s an interesting idea, Kim. But before that, we need to check if an online business is legitimate that can help us distribute organic products worldwide.

Kim Kardashian:

I agree, Elon. We also need to consider heirs’ property law in South Carolina to protect our future business ventures.

Elon Musk:

Speaking of legal matters, we should look into law colleges in Delhi to find potential lawyers who can help us navigate through these complex laws.

Kim Kardashian:

That’s a great idea, Elon! I once thought about becoming an FBI agent but realized that our business empire needs my attention.

Elon Musk:

Well, Kim, we can always hire FBI agents to help us with affidavits of legal separation in case we encounter any legal challenges in our personal lives.

Kim Kardashian:

Agreed, Elon. By the way, do you know if gifting money tax-free is possible? I might want to surprise our future lawyers with a bonus!

Elon Musk:

It’s definitely possible, Kim. We just need to ensure that we comply with all the UVA law clerkships to make sure our financial gifts are legally sound.

Kim Kardashian:

Thank you, Elon. Oh, and by the way, are non-compete clauses legal in New York? I wouldn’t want our future employees to feel restricted in their career choices.

Elon Musk:

That’s a valid concern, Kim. We should definitely look into that before hiring anyone. Also, we need to be prepared to get a court subpoena in case we face any legal disputes with competitors.