Balancing Perspectives on Pornography: Ethical and Realistic Views

Written by: on 5th June 2023
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When I think about pornography, it’s kind of a mixed bag for me. On one hand, I get that it can be a harmless outlet for some people and even a way to explore sexuality in a safe environment. But on the other hand, I’ve seen how it can create unrealistic expectations and sometimes even lead to addiction. A few years ago, a friend recommended checking out a site that focuses on ethical production, which opened my eyes to the idea that not all porn has to be harmful or exploitative. It was a bit of a revelation because I had always lumped all free porn videos into the same category, and this new perspective made me rethink my stance. It’s definitely a topic that requires a lot of nuance and consideration, especially when discussing it with others who might have strong feelings one way or the other.