It’s the first day of December and I’m excited as ever for the new day to begin! I’m back to training in Santa Barbara with my coach Ben and junior Booie Grant. Yesterday we had a great hit on a chilly afternoon, got a great sweat just feeling out the ball from the baseline. You might think: “Chilly? In Southern California? You’re crazy!” But trust me, whenever we’d stop moving, grab water, or just have a quick chat – you could see the steam resonating off of us and see each breath with the help of the waning sunlight.
Every single opportunity to hit my backhand is a chance to improve. I try to balance calculating my footwork on top of my take back/follow through. The video footage of my backhand revealed that I “pop” up too much and don’t really stay down through the shot, thus losing power/control. I think that is a function of footwork so I’ve been concentrated on getting my feet “going forward” through the shot and trying to remain “calm” at contact point and finish. I thought it was working out pretty well because I managed to connect on a bunch throughout the afternoon and was even going down the line with it when I wanted to! I look forward to continuing work on it later today. Happy December, enjoy the cold!
6 more days until I’m hitting tennis balls in Hawaii *drool*,